
Show 687 Sep 24, 2024

An Hour-and-a-Half of Live Selichos Services, Lead by Five Great Cantors. A must-listen.

Five Selichos Services ▶️ Play / Download
  • Diamond, Arele - Ashrei; Lechu Neraneno
  • Subar, Arie L. - El Na'aratz; Eich Niftach
  • Glantz, Leib - Bemotza'ei Menucha - Tevi'einu
  • Aroni, Zvee - Shema Koleinu
  • Koussevitzky, Moshe - Shema Koleinu; Rachamono De'onei

Show 686 September 10, 2024

In wake of the sad news of cantor Naftali Hershtik's passing, we are presenting a two-hour long program dedicated to his legacy. In hour 1 we share an interview of Naftali Hershtik from the archives, presented by Charlie, followed by 30 minutes of music. In hour 2, additional musical recordings by cantor Hershtik, presented by E. Bick.

Naftali Hershtik Interview ▶️ Play / Download
  • Interview
  • Cantorial Recordings 28:50

Naftali Hershtik Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Intro 2:46
  • Shema Yisroel
  • Az Bekol
  • Sim Sholom
  • Vechulom Mekablim
  • Great Synagogue: Un'sane Tokef; Kevakoras
  • Great Synagogue: Od Yizkor Lanu
  • S'lichot: Ashrei
  • S'lichot: L'chu Neraneno
  • S'lichot: Marom
  • S'lichot: P'nei No
  • S'lichot: Hashiveinu
  • Program Conclusion 1:18:28-1:23:14

Show 685 August 20, 2024

Another great compilation featuring seven golden-voiced cantors on vinyl records, with brief intros presented by Elchonon Bick.

Cantorial LPs ▶️ Play / Download
  • Eidelson, Joseph - Modim
  • Diamond, Arele - Ashrei (Slichos)
  • Katz, Sholom - Bishivo Shel Maalo - Kol Nidrei
  • Weider, Yehoshua - Unu Bekoach
  • Peerce, Jan - Sh'ma Koleinu - Ovinu Malkeinu
  • Ganchoff, Moshe - Al Horishonim
  • Hershman, Mordechai - Ato Yotzarto

Show 684 July 23, 2024

Cantor Joshua Dlin Leads Selichos Services in Cong. Tifereth Beth David of Montreol Canada on 9/22/1973

Joshua Dlin - Selichos ▶️ Play / Download

Show 683 July 16, 2024

Continuing from last week's show, we have part 2 of Slichos services in the Part East Synagogue on 9/24/05 led by cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot.

Helfgot Slichos part 2 ▶️ Play / Download

Show 682 July 9, 2024

Cantor Yizchak Meir Helfgot Leads Slichos Prayers in the Part East Synagogue on 9/24/05. Part 2 will follow next week.

Helfgot Slichos part 1 ▶️ Play / Download

Show 681 June 25, 2024

This week we've wandered from our ordinary musical grazing-grounds for a brief amble into the wild fields of the Jewish comedy genre. Enjoy 1.2 hours of Charlie's favorite Jewish comedy routines, songs, and tidbits.

Jewish Comedy Favorites ▶️ Play / Download
  • A Call From Long Island
  • The Diamond
  • The Housewarming
  • The Confession
  • The Last Wish
  • The Cemetary
  • Mal Z Lawrence - Catskills
  • Freddie Roman - Florida
  • Mal Z - Florida
  • Mal Z - Vacation
  • Jackie Mason - Vacation
  • Mal Z - Atlantic City
  • Myron Cohen - New Man
  • Reading of the Will
  • Gypsy Fortune Teller
  • Goldstein
  • Shoe Repair Shop
  • Mickey Katz - Loan
  • Katz - Hebrew School
  • Bar Mitzvah
  • Myron Cohen - Tidbits
  • Sy Kleinman - Tidbits
  • Henny Youngman - Tidbits
  • Allan Sherman - Hello Muddah
  • Country Yossi - Minyan Song
  • A. Sherman - Sara Jackman
  • Megama - Prayer Book Blues
  • Barton Brothers - Joe and Paul
  • Seymour Rockoff - Cold Chopped Liver
  • Lee Tully - Litvak and Galitz
  • S. Rockoff - Bills
  • S. Rockoff - Boro Park

Show 680 June 18, 2024

This week is presented a fascinating interview from the archives. These two hours feature the daughters and son of cantor Samuel Malavsky who were interviewed by Charlie on 8/30/92. Trudie, Goldie, Ruthie, and Mort talk about the family's musical history, accompanied by interspersed selections of Malavsky recordings. This one is a real classic.

Malavsky Family Interview - part 1 ▶️ Play / Download

Malavsky Family Interview - part 2 ▶️ Play / Download

Show 679 May 21, 2024

One Hour of Chazanut. Finally, it's back to the classic format, a plethora of great cantorial recordings all digitized from their original LPs. Once again, I fill in for Charlie, whose been quite busy of late, but don't worry; Charlie will be back with more Cantorial Soul Music again next week.

One Hour of Chazanut ▶️ Play / Download
  • Aroni, Zvee - Birkat Kohanim
  • Vigoda, Shmuel - Ono Bekoach
  • Waldman, Leibele - Omar Rabbi Elozor
  • Peerce, Jan - Rochel Mevako
  • Tucker, Richard - Yiru Eineinu
  • Belarsky, Sidor - Rachem No
  • Voronovsky, Boris - Hineni Heoni
  • Taube, Moshe - Ohavti
  • Akerman, Shabtai - Ki Lekach Tov
  • Miller, Benzion - Hamavdil

Show 678 May 14, 2024

The May 8th concert was a wonderful event which paid tribute to Charlie's legacy in chazanut. I was priveleged to attend and listen as each of the cantors sang and gave tribute to Charlie's four decades of dedication to the cantorial art.

This Hour Features a Sefirah Special Program, One Hour of Vocals Only. Great recordings by the greatest cantors of all time, including Gershon Sirota and Josef Shlisky, among others. Elchonon Bick hosting.

Sefirah Program ▶️ Play / Download

Show 677 May 7, 2024

We're Back! This Concert Took Place on January 28, 1968, and Featured Great Icons of Chazanut at Their Best. Vigoda, Ederman, Postolow, Rosenberg, are all in magnificent form here; bear the low audio quality and enjoy this sensational live concert.

Cantorial Concert 1-28-1968 ▶️ Play / Download

Show 676 April 16, 2024

Yossele Rosenblatt Memorial Concert from December 21, 2003, Part 2. This hour features performances by cantors Yaakov Stark, Moshe Stern, Benjamin Muller, Naftali Herstik, and Yitzchak Meir Helfgot.

Yossele Rosenblatt 70th Yahrzeit part 2 ▶️ Play / Download

Show 675 April 9, 2024

Our Generations Great Cantors Join for a Tribute to the Legendary Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt (1882-1933) in this Throwback Episode of the Show. This concert was organized by Cantor's World and took place on December 21, 2003 at the Alice Tully hall. Featured are performances by cantors Hershtik, Helfgot, Malovany, Muller, and Stern. A special tributary performance is given by Yossele Rosenblatt's son, Ralph Rosenblatt. Stay tuned for part 2 which will feature more performances from this amazing event.

Yossele Rosenblatt 70th Yahrzeit part 1 ▶️ Play / Download

Show 674 April 2, 2024

We Continue our Presentation of Cantor Leibele Waldman with Another Hour of His Cantorial Recordings. Featured in the second hour is an interview Charlie had conducted with Leibele Waldman's son Harvey Waldman back on February 27, 2011.

Leibele Waldman Special part 2 ▶️ Play / Download

Harvey Waldman Interview ▶️ Play / Download

Show 673 March 26, 2024

It's Back to the Classics with The First Hour in a Two-Part Leibele Waldman Special.

Leibele Waldman Special part 1 ▶️ Play / Download

Show 672 March 19, 2024

New York Native, Cantor Moshe Schulhof is Featured this Hour. Cantor Schulhof was born in the year 1947 and was appointed to his first position at cong. Adath Jeshurun in the Bronx at the age of 18. He subsequently held positions in Pittsburgh (Shaarei Torah), Montreal (Adath Jeshurun), L.A. (Shaarei Tefila), and A.T.J.C. in Miami Beach.

Moshe Schulhof Special ▶️ Play / Download

Show 671 March 12, 2024

The Fourth Installment In Our Moshe Stern Special Feature. We've been featuring cantor Stern live davenings for the past 3 weeks. We conclude the series with a Mincha and Yom Kippur Katan service.

Moshe Stern Mincha And Yom Kippur Katan ▶️ Play / Download

Show 670 March 5, 2024

Cantor Moshe Stern Weekday Evening Service, Recorded in the Year 2004. The Tel Aviv Great Synagogue Choir accompanies cantor Stern with Menashe Lev-Ran conducting.

Moshe Stern Weekday Evening Service ▶️ Play / Download

Show 669 February 27, 2024

Moshe Stern Special Feature Continues. Here is the second hour of the 4-part series featuring cantor Moshe Stern live davenings, this time it's Slichot service highlights from the Chicago Loop Synagogue.

Moshe Stern Slichot Highlights ▶️ Play / Download

Show 668 February 20, 2024

And Here We Go! Cantor Moshe Stern is Featured at the Omud for the Next 4 Weeks of Cantorial Programming. These shows will be covering a range of complete weekday services from throughout the year, encompassing regular daily prayers as well as periodic (non-Holiday) services.

Moshe Stern Daily Morning Service With Hallel ▶️ Play / Download

Show 667 February 13, 2024

Enjoy this Selection of Charlie's Favorite Songs of the Past 40 Years of Jewish Music. No Chazonus here, this hour features nostalgic music with which the whole family can sing along.

Favorite Songs (Non-Chazonus) ▶️ Play / Download

Show 666 February 6, 2024

From the Album "400 Years of Synagogue Music" is Featured the Ramatayim Men's Choir with Guest Cantor Chaim Adler. Listen to the Products of 400 Years of Great Jewish Composers and Performers, Dating back to Solomone Rossi [1570-1630]

400 Years of Synagogue Music ▶️ Play / Download

Show 665 January 30, 2024

The Second Hour in the 2-part Series Featuring the Music of Ben Zion Shenker. I recently discovered that a show I had prepared a while back never made it on to the archive. I am featuring it now on the second hour.

Ben Zion Shenker Special - part 2 ▶️ Play / Download

Second Hour, Hosted by Elchonon Bick ▶️ Play / Download

Show 664 January 23, 2024

The First Hour in a 2-part Series Featuring the Music of Ben Zion Shenker

Ben Zion Shenker Special - part 1 ▶️ Play / Download

Show 663 January 16, 2024

A Selection of Songs from the Chassidic Music Festivals Records, Ranging from 1978 through 1981

Chassidic Music Festivals 1978-1981 ▶️ Play / Download

Show 662 January 9, 2024

Yaakov Motzen and Bentzion Miller Duet ▶️ Play / Download

Show 661 January 2, 2024

Cantor Yossi Malovany Special Part 2 ▶️ Play / Download

Show 660 December 26, 2023

Cantor Yossi Malovany Special Part 1 ▶️ Play / Download

Show 659 December 18, 2023

Two hour special featuring The first two hours on the Internet ▶️ Play / Download

Show 658 December 11 2023

Chanukah Special Followed by Paul Zim Feature ▶️ Play / Download

Show 657 December 4, 2023

Two hour Avraham Fried special ▶️ Play / Download

Show 656 November 27 2023

Am Yisroel Chai

MEGAMA Presentation ▶️ Play / Download

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Gllantz, Leib – Shma Yisroel
  • Malavsky, Samuel – V’shomru
  • Shapiro, Joseph – B’rosh Hashonah
  • Pinchik, Pierre – Rozo d’Shabbos
  • Shlisky, Joseph – Omar Rabi Elozor
  • Hershman, Moredechai – Akavyo
  • Soorkis, Moishele – Vkulam
  • Rosenblatt,, Yossele – Tal
  • Sirota, Gershon -Y’hi Rotzon
  • Kwartin, R’eh No
  • Roitman, David,- Un’saneh Tokef

Show 654 November 1, 2023

Cantor Sholom Katz - Friday Evening Service

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Cantor Sholom Katz - Friday Evening Service

Show 653 October 27, 2023

Am Yisroel Chai!

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele – Acheinu
  • Weiss, Zvi – Hashkiveinu
  • Kousevitzky, Davod - Avinu Malkeinu
  • Pinchik, Pierre - Av Horachamim
  • Helfgot, Yitzchak – Av Horachamin
  • Helfgot, Yitzchat – Aneinu
  • Helfgot, Yitzchak -Zochreinu
  • Schulhof, Moshe - Hashkiveinu

Show 652 October 27, 2023

Carlebach Special

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Carlebach Special

Show 650 October 16, 2023

Am Yisroel Chai Special

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Kossevitzky, Moshe – Esso Einai 1
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele – Kel Moli Rachamin
  • Helfgot, Yitzchak - Mizratze Brachamim
  • Koussevitzky, David – Hashkivenu
  • Bagley,David – Harninu Goyim Amo
  • Kwartin,Avinu
  • Malavsky Samuel – Shomea Kol Bichyos
  • Zim, Sol – Avinu Shebashamayim
  • Zim, Sol – Sim Shalom

Show 646 Sept 7, 2023

Rosh Hashona Special

Show 645 Sept 1, 2023

Rosh Hashona Special

Show 643 August 23, 2023

Slechus Davening

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Benzion Miller

Show 642 August 29, 2023

Two hour Slechus Special

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Aryeh Subar

▶️ Play / Download
  • Benjamin Ungar

Show 641 August 16, 2023

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • --

Show 640 August 9, 2023

Moshe Schulhof Special

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Shlomo Katz
  • Veyeda
  • Leshana Habaah
  • Prok Azyeranenu
  • Likras Shabbos
  • Niggun Hasulam
  • Nachamu
  • Hashatah Hacha
  • Bo’ee Beshalom
  • Srulik
  • Zadik Katomer
  • V’serev Tanya

Second Hour (prepared by Elchanan) ▶️ Play / Download
  • Moshe Schulhof Special
  • Ad Heinu
  • Halibein Chateinu
  • Kvakoras
  • Rozo
  • Tiher Rabbi Yishmoel
  • Esso Einei
  • Eilu D’vorim
  • R’tze

Show 639 July 18, 2023

Please note: The second hour was prepared by Elchanan Bik – a young lover of traditional chazzonus. He will be featured on the second hour this program.

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Alexandrovich, Misha – R’tze
  • Taube, Samuel – Naaritzcho
  • Rothstein, Shlomo – B’rachamim
  • Rutman, Areh Leib – V’shomru
  • Shicoff, Sidney – V’hu Rachum
  • Braun, Ari – T’filah L’shalom
  • Korogodsky, Moshe – Shomea Vatismach
  • Ganchoff, Moshe – Al Hanissim
  • Mandel, Shlomo – Ushmor Tsetsaynu
  • Oysher, Moshe – Vayomer
  • Alter, Israel – V’shomer
  • Brun, Abraham – Yechadeshehu
  • Davis, Avrum – V’hu Rachum
  • Tucker, Richard – Yiru Einenu

Second Hour (prepared by Elchanan) ▶️ Play / Download
  • Koussevitzky, Jacob – Hashem Moloch
  • Katz, Sholom -Lidovid Mizmor
  • Waldman, Leibele –Ki Keshimcho
  • Glantz, Leib – Eich Niftach
  • Yardeini, Mordechai – Kol Mekadesh
  • Ganchoff, Moshe – Magen Ovos
  • Konigsberg, Jacob – Umipnei Chatoeinu
  • Schwartz, Lebele – Velirushalayim Ircho
  • Werdyger, David – Shuvi Nafshi

Show 638 June 27, 2023

Please accept my apology concerning shows of May and June. During May I spent two weeks in Israel. Had prepared shows for May and June to ‘cover’ also for other issues. I had been preparing for the wonderful cantorial concert for June 20th. It was fabulous!!!

Not only was it a sell-out more than three weeks in advance, but we added seats be put in the background of the stage. If you have yet to see the program, go to ‘ Also, don’t get ‘left out’ because you are not left on our mailing list. Simply go to where you can easily sign up.

Enough!!! Thanks for your understanding.

Charlie B
p.s. You may be wondering who produces such outstanding product. This concert and all the many events were produced by Cantor Benny Rogonitzky and me.

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Shabbos Songs
  • Hershman, Mordeccai – Chazendl Oif Shabbos
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele – V’shomru
  • Alter, Israel – L’cho Dodi
  • Pinchick, Pierre -U’vyom HShabbos
  • 3 Koussevitzk’s – U’vyom HShabbos
  • Adler, Chaim – Eshet Chayal
  • Glantz, Leib – Uveyom HShabbos
  • Malavsky, Shmuel - Mi Seberach
  • Malavsky Family – Ich benk Aheim
  • Katz, Shalom – Zol Noch Zein Shabbas
  • Koussevitzky, Simcha – Havdala
  • Goldstein, Efraim – Hamavdil
  • Waldman, Leibele – Shabbos Noch Havdala

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Dovid Roitman
  • Rachel M’v’choa
  • Ashamnu Mikol Am
  • Mi Sheoso Nissim
  • Hashkiveinu
  • Sim Shalom
  • Amar Rabbi Elazar
  • Yossele Mandelbaum
  • Ato Yotzarto
  • Zaro Chayo
  • Rachmono
  • Sfirat Haomer
  • Rozo D’Shabos
  • Ani Maamin

Show 637 June 9, 2023

Note: The June 20th cantorial program at the Kaufman Musical Theater on 87th St is SOLD OUT! Charlie

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Vigoda, Shmuel – Moron D’vishmaya
  • Mandelbaum, Yossele – Rozo D’Shabbos
  • Steinberg, Dovid M oshe – Omar Rabbi Elozor
  • Taube, Moshe – Uvnucho Yomar
  • Koussevitzky, Simcha – Ad Henoh
  • Koussevitzky, Yaakov – Av Horachamim
  • Katz, Sholom – Mizmor L’dovid
  • Karniol, Alter Yechiel – N’kadesh (1913)
  • Meisels, Yeshaya – Tzur Yisroel
  • Barkin, Jacob – Havdoloh

Show 636 Stern May 30, 2023

PLEASE NOTE: I recently returned from an Amazing two weeks in Israel.

Note: We have SOLD OUT the June 20th cantorial program at the Kaufman Musical Theater on 87th St, I hope you are lucky enough to be a ticker holder. Charlie

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Soorkis, Moishele – Kiddush
  • Diamond, Arele – Shema/Kedusha
  • Sirota, Gershon – Kol Nidre
  • Glantz, Leib – Ki Hine Kachomer
  • Koussevitzky, Moshe – Al Keyn Nikaveh
  • Waldman, Leibiel – Ki Lekach Tov
  • Malavsky, Shmuel – Shomea Kol Bichyos
  • Hershman, Mordechai – Eilu D’vorim
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele -Acheinu Kol Beis
  • Kwartin, Zawel – Tiher Rabbi Yishmuel
  • Pinchik, Pierre – Rozoz D’Shabbos
  • Kapov-Kagen, Ben Zion – Kiddush

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Eshel, Yitzchak – Chadesh Aleinu
  • Aroni, Zvee – Min Hamaytzar
  • Bagley, David – Al Tahshlicheinu
  • Shlisky, Josef -Omar Rabbi Elozor
  • Schorr, Israel – Sehyibone Hamikdosh
  • Chagy, Berele – Mi Sheoso Nissim
  • Rutman, Aryeh – V’shomru
  • Koussevitzky, David – Hamaavir Bonov
  • Schulhof, Moshe – Halbein Chatoeinu
  • Wieder, Yehoshua – Ana B’koach
  • Danto, Louis – Shameah Vatismach
  • Peerce, Jan – Es Brent

Show 635 Stern May 8, 2023


First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Cantor Moshe Stern
  • Mincha and Yom Kippur
  • Katan Service
  • Ben Boruch Choir
  • Conductor Nissan Toren

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Cantor Moshe Stern
  • The Weekly ‘Evening Service’
  • Tel Aviv Great Synagogue
  • Menashe Lev Rav Conductor

Show 634 May 2, 2023

These two hours are dedicated to the late great Moshe Stern who passed away on April 19th at the age of 87. I am particularly sensitive to this as my 87th birthday was on April 27th.

Please save the date of June 20th for outstanding cantorial concert. Helfgot, Stark. Muller, Lemmer and Herstik. Produced by Cantor Benny Rogosnitzky and Charlie Bernhaut.

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Complete Daily Morning Service With Hallel

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Interview with Moshe Stern
  • Ato Chonon
  • Ribono Shel Olom
  • Zochreinu B’zikoron
  • V’hu Rachum
  • Uvechin Y’hi Rozon
  • Chazonim Oif Probe

Show 633 April 28, 2023


Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Yom Haatzmaut Special

Show 632 April 17, 2023

Yom Hashoa Special - From 1990 – 33 years ago

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Yom Hashoa

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Yom Hashoa

Show 631 April 2, 2023

Wishing you a zissen and kusher Pesach

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Richard Tucker Passover Seder

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Paul Zim Passover Seder

Show 630 March 15, 2023


First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Barchenu
  • Reb Shlomo’s Niggun
  • Haneshama
  • Ma Ashiv
  • Kulam B’lev Echad
  • Ana B’koach
  • Meloch
  • Hashiveinu
  • Hodu Lashem

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Helfgot, Yitzchak Meir
  • Ran Venisa
  • V’lirushalayim Ircha
  • Uvashofar Gadol
  • Zochreinu L’chayim
  • Baavur Dovid
  • Halelu
  • Ad Heno
  • Av Horachamim

Show 629 March 8 , 2023


First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Avraham Fried
  • Tanya / Eliyahu
  • Emes / Boray
  • Avraham Yogel
  • Aseh/ We Are Ready
  • Pirchey Yerushalayim
  • Shir Lamaot / V’hi Sh’amda
  • Ana B’coach / Adon Olam
  • Al Nahrot Bavel

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Kwartin, Zawel – Sim Shalom
  • Kwartin, Zawel – V’lirushalayim Ircha
  • Adler, Chaim – U’vyom Simchaschem
  • Motzen, Yaakov – V’al Y’dei
  • Herstik, CE – Tiher
  • Herstik, Naftali – T’ka
  • Adler, Chaim – Ribono Shel Olam
  • Motzen, Yaakov -Umipnei
  • Motzen, Yaakov – Acheinu
  • Ungar, Binyamin – Rabbi Chanina
  • Ungar, Binyamin – Uvchein Yitkadash

Show 628 March 2 , 2023


First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Zim, Paul – Hal’lukoh
  • Peerce, Jan – Sha Shtil
  • Shenker, BZ -Ufduye Hashem
  • Muller, Benjamin – Yism’chu
  • Carlebach, Shlomo – Oov’ne
  • Tucker, Richard – Rozinkes
  • Werdyger, Dovid – Hu elokeinu
  • Zim, Paul – Yisroel
  • Tzlil V’zemer – Al Tiroh
  • Brazil, Shmuel – Ashreinu
  • Nachman – Hallelu
  • Albrecht, Avi – Hamavdi;
  • Kol Haneshomo – Boray Olam
  • Journeys -Yismach Moshe

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Berele Chagy Special
  • Brich Shmei/Tikanto Shabbos
  • Kol Hashem/ Shema Yisroel
  • Mogen Ovos/Tzur Yisroel
  • V’hu Rachum/Bameh
  • Hashem Moloch/ Mi Sheoso
  • Yismach Moshe/Vehuofanim
  • Havein Yakir Li/Hashem
  • L’kel Boruch/Birkas Kohanim
  • V’chol Borai/V’hu Rachum

Show 627 February 20 , 2023


First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele – Bemotzaey Menucha
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele – Ahavat Olam
  • Koussevitzky, Yaakov – Le’el Shimurim
  • Koussevitzky, Yaakov – Eilu Devorim
  • Koussevitzky, Moshe -Birkat Hachodesh
  • Koussevitzky, Moshe -Wedding Service
  • Koussevitzky, Moshe – Lo Teivoshi
  • Ungar, Benyamin – Av Horachamim
  • Ungar, Benyamin – Rabbi Chanina
  • Ungar, Benyamin – Ledavid Hashem

Show 626 February 6 , 2023


First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Habeit
  • Sim Shalom
  • Hateh
  • Yism’chu
  • Hashem M oloch
  • Esso Einai
  • Di velt freght a kasha

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Helfgot – Av Horachamim
  • Hershtik, C.E. – Rachem Noh
  • Rand, Israel – Ezras Avoseinu
  • Hershtik, C.E. -Hasehm Z’coreinu
  • Hershtik, C.E. – Hineni
  • Helfgot – Ribono Shel Olam/Sfira

Show # 625 January 23, 2023


First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Yehoram Gaon
  • Elu D’vorim
  • Ptach Lanu / V’korev
  • Havein Yakir Li
  • Rosh Hashonah / K’vakoras
  • Avinu Malkeinu / Sheyibone
  • Fabrengen Accapella
  • Ribono Shel Olam
  • V’harehkose / Nigun (2)
  • Kol Dodi / Rachamonoh

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Zim, Sol – Avinu
  • Zim, Sol – Sim Shalom
  • Zim, Sol – Shomea
  • Oysher – Av Horchamim
  • Oysher – Hayom Haras
  • Oysher – Imipne Chatoeinu
  • Oysher -Yibane
  • Oysher – Amar
  • Zim, Sol - Yismechu

Show # 624 January 16, 2023

Feedback please re: remastering 2nd hour Hershman, Sirota and Kwartin

First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Diaspora Y – Hu Yiftach
  • Diaspora Y – Ivdu Et Hashem
  • Diaspora Y – Malchutcha
  • Regesh – Kavei
  • Regesh - Acheinu
  • Regesh – Mimkomcho
  • Sheba Choir – Journey to Israel
  • Sheba Choir – Memories
  • Sheba Choir – In the Caravan
  • Sheba Choir – Adon Olam
  • Lemmer, Shulem – Kisheniver
  • Lemmer, Shulem – L’funov
  • Lemmer, Shulem – V’sein Buni
  • Lemmer, Shulem – V’al Yedei

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Hershman, Mordechai – Eilu D’vorim
  • Hershman, Mordechai – Eilu revised
  • Sirota, Gershon – R’tze
  • Sirota, Gershon – R’tze revised
  • Kwartin, Zawel – V’al Y’de
  • Kwartin, Zawel – V’al revised
  • Glantz, Leib – Shema
  • Malavsky, Shmuel – V’shamru
  • Pinchik, Pierre – Rozo D’shabbos
  • Jassinowsky, Pinchas – K’dusha
  • Hershman, Mordechai – Akavya
  • Shlisky, Joseph – Omar R’ Elozor

Show # 623 January 3, 2022

Enjoy Ganchoff and Regesh

First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Regesh Shabbos

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Moshe Ganchoff
  • Ato Yotsarto
  • Ato Yodea
  • R’tze
  • Mo Oshiv
  • Aheinu
  • Geshem
  • V’kol Maaminim
  • Ato Nigleiso
  • V’seorev
  • Ahavas Olam
  • Sim Sholam
  • V’lirushalayim Ircho
  • Habet

Show # 622 December 28, 2022

Enjoy! Happy calendar new year.

First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Reb Nachman from Breslov
  • Ashreinu / Boch Hashem
  • L’cho Dodi / Tiskabell
  • Der Rebbe hot gheisen
  • Hallallu / Nafsheinu
  • Achas Shoalty / P’lloh
  • Pirchei Yerushalayim
  • Sir L’maalot
  • Ve’he She’amda
  • Ana B’choach

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Jan Peerce
  • R’tze / Mimkomcho
  • V’lirushalaim Ircha
  • Shema / Sheyiboneh
  • Rochel M’vako
  • Yism’chu
  • Rozinkes Mit Mandlin
  • Momele / A Zemerel
  • A Dudele
  • A Chazend’l / Es Brent
  • Partizaner

Show # 621 Decembe 18, 2022


First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Moshe Oysher Chanukah
  • Helfgot, Yitzchak – Mikimi
  • Shenker, Ben Zion – B’tzeis
  • Aroni, Tzvi – Min Hameitzar

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Pinchik, Pierre – Mo-oz Tzur
  • Muller, Benjamin – Yivonim
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele – Yivonim
  • Muller, Benjamin – Drie Driedil
  • Oysher, Moshe – Drey Dreidil
  • Miller, BZ & Motzen – Haneiros
  • Muller, Benjamin - Haneiros
  • Belarsky, Sidor – Hanerois
  • Moscow Children
  • Peerce, Jan – Brochos
  • Miller, Benzion – Die Lictlich
  • Calypso – a little Dreidel
  • Seymour Silbermintz – Medley

Show # 620 Decembe 12, 2022


First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Yehuda Green
  • Kulanu; Ana B’ekoach
  • Borcheinu; Shlomo’s Nigun
  • Hanshoma Loch; Hashiveinu
  • Hu Elokeinu; Uruach
  • Yiboneh; Al Naharot Bavel
  • I’m Eshkacech

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Issachar Helman and
  • Basel Choir
  • Modim; Ahavat Olam
  • Emet Ve’emunah
  • Hashkivenu; V’Shamru
  • Josef Hashem
  • Min Ahmezar; Lo Amut
  • Baavur Dovid
  • Uvnucho Yomar (1)
  • Uvnucho Yomar (2)
  • Shema Yisroel; Ein Kelokeinu

Show # 619 November 29, 2022

If you love Yiddish you will enjoy Hershman’s hour of Yiddish. The second hour features The Ramatayim Men’s Choir, Jerusalem with 400 years of Synagogue Music

First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Mordechai Hershman – Yiddish
  • Dos Yiddish Lied; Dudele
  • Toire is Die Beste Schoire
  • Mikita; A Zemerel
  • Fleiske Yidden, Milchke Yidden
  • Medley of 25 songs
  • Chazendel Oif Shabbos
  • Der Yid in Beis Hamikdash
  • Al Chet; Veahavta Lereach
  • Hazanim Oif Probe

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Ramatayim Men’s Choir
  • 400 years of synagogue music
  • Adon Olam – Rossi 1565-1628
  • Boruch Hababah – Mombach 1813-1880
  • Halleluya – Lewandowski 1821-1894
  • Mi Adir – Sulzer 1804-1890
  • V’Shamru – Birnbaum 1855-1920
  • Modim -Wladowski 1870
  • Hineni Muchan – Alman 1877-1947
  • Uvenucho Yomar – Rosenblatt 1882-1933
  • Pitchu Li – Secunda 1894-1975
  • Mi Sheoso Nissim – Himelstein 1905-1974
  • Acheinu – Rotenberg 1952
  • Avinu Shebashamayim – Zim 1940ca

Show # 618 November 14, 2022

Here are two outstanding hours of chazzonus. The first hour features Elchonon Bick’s program of chazzonus – and the second hour features Cantor Shmuel Barzilai.

First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Katz, Sholom – Habein Yakir Li
  • Kanewsky, Meyer – Menucha V’simcha
  • Waldman, Leibele – Uvo Lezion Goel
  • Ganchoff, Moshe – Al horishonim
  • Hershman Mordechai - Sheva Brochos
  • Chagy, Berele – Yiru Einenu
  • Glantz, Leib – Ein Ke’erkecho
  • Aroni, Zvee – Sim Shalom
  • Koussevitzky, Moshe – Ribono Shel Olom
  • Klang, Yechezkel – Hashir

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Shmuel Barzilai
  • Shomea Vatismach
  • Kehilat Hakodesh
  • Hamavir Bonov
  • Umipnei Chateinu
  • Hashem Z’choreinu
  • Shehechayanu
  • Hamavdil
  • Uv’nucho Yomar
  • Shema

Show # 617 November 7, 2022

Enjoy these two hours of Jewish Soul Music. The first hour features ‘Safam’ and the second hour features Yanky Lemmer. Enjoy !!!

First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Safam
  • B’tzeit Yisroel Y’vorech
  • Ki L’olam Pitchu Li
  • Halleluya
  • World of Our Fathers
  • V’neemar
  • Leaving Mother Russia Shalom
  • Amar Rabi Elozar
  • Tsur Yisroel L’cho Dodi
  • Al Kol Eylah

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Yanky Lemmer
  • Kehilos Hakodesh
  • Roszo D’Shabos
  • Ad Heino
  • Shabbos Kodesh
  • Yedid Nefesh
  • Yismach Mosh
  • Shema Yisroel
  • Umipnei Chateinu

Show # 616 October 30, 2022


First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Interview with Cantor Shmuel Taube November 13, 1994.

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Lavi, Arik – Geshem
  • Tslil Choir – B’tzeit Yisroel
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele -Geshem
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele – Umipnei
  • Waldman, Leibele – Birkat Hallel
  • Eshel, Yitzchak – Ahavti
  • Herstik, Netanel – Atzabahem
  • Helfgot, Yitzchak – Mikimi
  • Vigoda Shmuel - Hallelu
  • Wieder, Yehoshua - Afafuni

Show # 615 October 17, 2022

The first hour was produced by Elchonon Bick – a very welcome addition to my program. The second hour is a Sukkot special, you will certainly enjoy.

First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • (Elchonon Bick)
  • Koussevitzky, Moshe – Adoshem Moloch
  • Sirota, Gershon – Ki Chol Peh
  • Shapiro, Joseph – Ulfi Chatoeinu
  • Kwartin, Zawel – Leil Shimurim
  • Glalntz, Leib – Retse
  • Katz, Sholom – Uvidivrei
  • Alexandrovich, Mischa – Ahavat Olam
  • Waldlman, Leibele – Ki Lekach Tov
  • Vigoda, Samuel – Acheinu Kol Beis Yisroel
  • Kapov-Kagan, Ben Zion – Midas Horachamin

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Sukkot Special
  • The Rabbis Sons – A Sukele
  • Stern, Moshe – Hoshanos
  • Motzen, Yaakov – Birkat Hallel
  • Aroni, Zvi – Min Hameitzer
  • Lemmer, Yanky – Umipnei Chatoeinu
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele – Mikimi
  • Helfgot, Yitzchak - B’tzeit Yisroel
  • Helfgot, Yitzchzk – Halellya
  • Waldlman, Leibele – Shuvi Nafshi

Show # 614 September 25, 2022

Yom Kippur Special G’mar Chatiema Tova

First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • MBD – Intro
  • Kousevitzky, Moshe – B’rosh Hashonah
  • Kwartin, Zawel – Kol Nidre
  • Kwartin, Zawel – Tiher Rabbi Yishmoel
  • Glantz, Leib – Ki Hine Kachomer
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele = K’vakoras
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele – Keil Orech Din
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele – Yaaleh
  • Kwartin, Zawel – Al Chet
  • Kwartin, Zawel – Ani Maamin
  • Waldlman, Leibele – Havein Yakir Li

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Muller, Zevi – Unsane Tokef
  • Lemmer, Yanky – Umipnei Chatoeinu
  • Helfgot, Yitzchak – Haneshama Loch
  • Chagy, Berele -V’chol Maaminim
  • Kwartin, Zawel – V’al Y’dei
  • Malavsky, Shmuel – Shomea Kol Bichyos
  • Eshel, Yitzchak – Zocreinu L’chayim
  • Motzen, Yaakov – V’al Y’dei
  • Sirota, Gershon – B’rosh Hashonah
  • Gaon, Yehoram – Habein Yakir Li
  • Gaon, Yehoram – Medley

Show # 613 September 20, 2022

Rosh Hashonah Special

First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • MBD – Intro
  • Kwartin, Zawel – Hineni
  • Hershstik, Naftali – Chatzi Kaddish
  • Roitman, Dovid – Unsane Tokef
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele – K’vakoras
  • Koussevitzky, Moshe – B’rosh Hashonah
  • Hershman, Modechai – Ki K’shimcha
  • Malavsky, Shmuel – B’ein Meletz
  • Chagy, Berele – V’chol Maaminim
  • Sirota, Gershon – V’neemar
  • Kwartin, Zawel – v’al Y’dey
  • Vigoda, Shmuel – M’loch

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Gaon, Yehoram – K’vakoras
  • Gaon, Yehoram – Avinu Malkeinu
  • Rabbi Sholom Gordon
  • Oysher, Moshe – Hayom Haras
  • Pinchik, Pierre – Areshes S’foseinu
  • Waldman, Leibele – V’al Hamidinos
  • Koussevitzky, Dovid – V’al Y’dey
  • Sterm, Moshe – Zochreinu v’sikoron
  • Ganchoff, Moshe – Ato Neigleiso
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele – T’ka B’shofar
  • Koussevitzky, Moshe – Avinu Malkeinu
  • Roitman, Dovid – Hayom T’amtzeinu
  • Koussevitzky, Dovid – Kadish Shalem

Show # 612 September 13, 2022

I will be presenting several Slichos davening – preparing us for the upcoming holidays. This week features the Hershtik brothers – Naftali and Chaim Eliezor.

First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Slichos Service Camtor Naftali Hershtik

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Slichos Service Cantor Chaim Eliezor Hershtik

Show # 611 September 6, 2022

Slichos davening Special – preparing us for the upcoming holidays.

First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Slichos Service Yehoshua Dlinn

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Slichos Service Cantor Abraham Mendelsberg

Show # 610 August 30, 2022

I will be presenting several Slichos davening – preparing us for the upcoming holidays.

First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Slichos Service Cantor Binyamin Muller

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Slichos Service Cantor Binyamin Ungar

Show # 609 August 16, 2022


First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Herman Malamood
  • Ato Nigleosa
  • Sim Shalom
  • Habeit
  • Hineni Heoni
  • Tomachti Y’sedosai
  • Mo Oshiv
  • Ovinu Malkenu Z’chor
  • Ato Nigleso
  • Shabbaton Choir
  • U’vnucho Yomar
  • Ein Kelokeinu
  • Zmirot Medley

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Kapov-Kagan Special
  • Kiddush -
  • Ana Bekoach
  • Hashkiveinu
  • Av Horachamim
  • Ata Yatsarta
  • Birkat Cohanim
  • Shim Shalom
  • Midat Harachamim
  • Machnisey Rachamim
  • Rachamana Deany Leaniyey
  • T’kah Beshofar

Show # 608 August 9, 2022


First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Pirhey Yerushalayim; Shir La’maalot
  • Vehi She’amda; Ana Be’cohach
  • Shalom Aleichem; Eshet Chail
  • Al Naharot Bavel
  • Gateshead Boys Choir
  • Chaim; Min Hametzar
  • Ani Maamin; Al Tira; Sim Shalom
  • Horacahman; Ein Kol Ezey

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Mordechai Hershman
  • Eylu Devorim
  • Habet Mishamayim
  • Zorim Omrim
  • Mitrazeh Berachamim
  • Magen Avot
  • Mimekomcha
  • Rtzeh
  • Modim
  • Tikanto Shabbos
  • Umipney Chataeyny
  • Akavia Ben Mahalalel
  • Halben Chataeynu

Show # 607 August 2, 2022


First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Roitman, David – Rachel M’vako
  • Malovany, Yossi – Rachel M’vako
  • Ganchoff, Moshe - Oz B’holoch
  • Kwartin, Zawel – Tiher Rabbi
  • Sirota, Gershon -R’tze
  • Hershman, Mordecai – Umipnei
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele – Rachem Na
  • Waldman, Lebele -Sarfe Maloh
  • Pinchik, Pierre – Ela Ezkoro

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Wieder, Yehoshua - Mimkomcha
  • Rosenblatt, Yossele – Keli Keli
  • Schorr, Yisroel – Sheyiboneh
  • Schorr, Yisroel – V’lirushalyim Ircha
  • Kussevitzky, Moshe – Sheyiboeh
  • Kussevitzky, Dovid – V’irushalayim Ircha
  • Malavsky, Shmuel – Ribon Ho-olamim
  • Helfgot, Yitzchak – V’lirushalayim
  • Bagley, David – Oz Bahaloch Yirmyohu
  • Bagley, David – Im Eshkochech

Show # 606 July 24, 2022

Second Hour is a David Koussevitzky Special


First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Zim, Paul – Father Answer Me
  • Zim, Paul – Yisroel
  • Country Yossi – My Jerusalem
  • Country Yossi – Nebich of Shteeble
  • Safam - World of Fathers
  • Megama – My Zayde
  • Sherman, Alan – Hello Muddah
  • Gaon, Yehoram – Tein Shabbat
  • Gaon, Yehoram – Meal Pisgot
  • Gaon, Yehoram – L’cha Dodi
  • Gaon, Yehoram – Yedid Nefesh
  • Kol Salonika – Lemaan
  • Kol Salonika – Uv’ne
  • Kol Salonika – Yebana

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Dovid Koussevitzky Special
  • V’chol Hachayim
  • Ana Avdah
  • Haneshama Loch
  • Hashem Moloch
  • Hamavir Bonov
  • Sim Shalom
  • Avinu Malkenu Z’chor
  • Zaro Chayo
  • Avinu Av Harachamov

Show # 605 July 19, 2022

Enjoy this Leibele Waldman Special


First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download
  • Shehecheyanu
  • Lefichach
  • Al Tira
  • Birkat Kohanim
  • Habeit
  • Shuvi Nafshhi
  • Lo Tachmod
  • S’firat Ha’omar
  • Ono B’choach
  • Tanyo
  • Amar Rabbl Elozor

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Rozo D’shobos
  • Retze
  • Zmiros
  • Ad Heno
  • V’chol Hachayim
  • Ki Lekach Tov
  • Berosh Hashono
  • Odom Yesodo
  • Haven Yakir Li
  • Sarfei Maloh
  • Ato Yodea

Show # 604 June 30, 2022

Special two hour Mussaf davening . Originally Aired March 29th 1992 – 30 years ago.
Enjoy this bit of history.


First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download

Second Hour Special continued ▶️ Play / Download

Show # 603 June 22, 2022

Special two hour Friday Night davening . Originally Aired March 3rd 1991 – 31 years ago.
Enjoy this bit of history.

First Hour Special ▶️ Play / Download

Second Hour Special continued ▶️ Play / Download

Show # 602 June 10, 2022

Continuation of Yossele Rosenblatt Special

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Rosenblatt Special
  • R’tsei Asirosom
  • L’keil Orech din
  • V’chol M-aminim
  • Meloch
  • Hashem Haras Olam
  • Areshes
  • Habein Yakir Li
  • Hayom Haras Olam 1909
  • Zaro Chayo cd
  • U’vnucho Yomar
  • Omar Rabi Elozor 1913
  • Omar Rabi Elozor 1921
  • V’al Y’dei
  • Tikanto

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Kol Nidre
  • Al Chet
  • B’tsais Yisrsoel
  • Halelu
  • Mikimi
  • Pischu Li
  • Ovinu Malkeinu
  • Umipnei Chatoenu
  • Akavya
  • Ribono Shel Olam
  • Ai Li Lulu
  • A Yiddish Mama
  • Yahrzeit

Show # 601 June 3, 2022

Enjoy this two-hour special featuring the great chazzan – Yossele Rosenblatt,
To be continued next week.

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • T’ka B’shofar
  • Hashem Moloch
  • K Heim
  • Ad Hena
  • Yism’chu
  • Brich Shmay
  • Yaale
  • Oshamnu
  • Keil Mole (Titanic)
  • K’vakoras
  • V’af Hu

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Rosenblatt Special
  • Shir Hamaalos
  • Acheinu Kol Beis Yisroel
  • Elokai Neshomo
  • Rabbi Yishmael Omar
  • Rom V’nisa
  • Tsur Yisroel
  • Yerushalayim Ircha
  • Habeit
  • Shomer Yirsroel
  • Mizratze B’rachamim
  • Hineni
  • Rachem Na

Show # 600 May 17, 2022

Welcome to new listeners from the Sfira Davening

First Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Srulic – Tsadic Katomer
  • Srulic – V’searav
  • Srulic - Tanya
  • Srulic – V’sargulim
  • Srulic – Havein Yaker Li
  • Pirchei Yerushalayim
  • Shir L’maalot
  • V’hi She’amda
  • Ana B’koach
  • Shalom Aleichem
  • Shab’chi Yerusahalyim
  • Adon Olam
  • Al Naharot Bavel

Second Hour ▶️ Play / Download
  • Gluck, Jonny – Ribono Shel Olam
  • Pasternack, Velvel – Emes
  • Katz, Sholam – L’dovid Mizmor
  • Ganchoff, Moshe – Hineni
  • Ganchoff, Moshe – Mi Sheoso Nissim
  • Goldring, Judah – Eilu Dvorim
  • Goldring, Judah – Uv’chein Yehi Rotzon
  • Peerce, Jan – Bluebird of Happiness
  • Faigenblum, Pinchas -Ribono Shel
  • Faigenblum, Pinchas – Baavur Dovid